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Who I Am?

A self-taught, and formal student in graphics programming and game development, I possess skills in various areas, with a focus on utilizing VULKAN and OPENGL. Additionally, I engage with game programming using UNITY or UNREAL ENGINE 5.

Programming Main Skills

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Because I love all related with AI and knowing the hard process of learning neural networks I implement one In the Unity engine to all that need a good visualization of a neural network. It contains a simple example with color prediction (Something that you would not do with a neural network, but is good for visualization) . 

The principal features are: 

  • Dynamic Visualization: Visualize the intricate structures of neural networks with dynamic 3D representations.

  • Interactivity: Interact with the neural network, manipulate nodes, and observe the changes in real-time.

  • Modular Design: Easy to extend and integrate with other Unity projects or neural network frameworks.

3D graphics engine utilizing the Vulkan ray tracing pipeline with path tracing support. Key features include:​

  • Global illumination through frame accumulation.

  • Disney BSDF rendering model for realistic material representation.

  • Bindless ray tracing for efficient resource management.

  • Physically-based bloom for enhanced lighting effects.

  • Asynchronous loading support for GLTF and OBJ models.

  • Flexible and extensible material system.

  • Multithreaded asset handling to optimize I/O operations.

  • Custom implementation of ImGui

  • Optimized material system for raytracing.

  • Blending support for transparent materials

"Code" is a game engine builded with OpenGL. The purpose of this project was to really understand all about with graphics programming, something that I really enjoy. The more important features are: 

  • PBR

  • Imgui Graphic interface Integrated

  • ECS System

  • Transform System

  • Content browser

  • Drag and drop fbx files

  • Async model loading

  • Shadows

  • Customizable Color and Transform on "CodeObjects"

  • Scripting System

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On this game we play as Alonso in his crusade to recover the blue ribbon of his cousin Beatriz, on this story we were never able to know what happened that fateful night in which our protagonist lost his life, but this finally has changed.

This is a First person Game where the player will need to paint around the world to kill the enemies that goes through that painting. This is a wave game where the player will be upgrading his abilities each round he survives.

Dynamic movement:

  • Hook, Create ground to evade the enemies and a Dash

Attack types:

  • Paint, the player creates particles in front of him and makes tick damage.

  • Release Painting, the player release his streak of paints in the direction that was created

Technical Features

  • Enemy pooling

  • AI System for enemies

  • Custom Render Material


This is hilarious game where you control Api a soul that is searching happiness with the people that he controls around, but this smiley guys are happy only when they get money. Api will need to be switching around this people to fill his soul, even if this people walk reckeless in the middle of an avenue where it can happen literally everything.

Some of the more important features are:

  • Isometric view.

  • Multiples type of events.

  • heavily C++ project base.

  • Easy way to implement new events.


This is a game that started as an procedural planet generation tool however I wanted to extend it and learn about a different ways to control a character. The main objective is to drop bombs in the requested zones while you upgrade your plane stats.

The main technicall features are: 

  • Procedural Map Generation​

  • Save and load system(Continue game)

  • Scriptable  objects

  • Custom enemy AI

Gameplay Features: 

  • Compass to track the next drop zone​

  • Deploy mode, pressing "E" makes the plane go slower to aim correctly

  • Time to destroy planet, the player have a limited time to retrive the bombs before level ends.



Years of desolation is a Online Third person Shooter where combines some features of the battle royales and treasure hunt. The main objective is to level up until a certain point, then the battle royale starts!

Some of the more important features are:

  • Easy lobby system

  • Customizable  crosshair

  • 8 players per lobby

  • Relay Transport

  • Dynamic player controller

  • Client side prediction

  • Build System with 4 different possible builds







UE 5



Degree on Game Development in EVAD


2 years Game Dev deegre in Spain.

Gamejam where I created the game called GOTY OF THE YEAR (del año).


Tool programmer in Naolito studio

Developed a suite of internal tools that enhanced team workflow and organization, including:

  • Custom solution for optimizing the Zoom application.

  • Optimized RESTful API calls for improved performance.

  • Addressed and resolved various bugs.

  • Refactored code with a focus on performance optimization.

  • Implemented a flexible input sanitization system.

  • Created custom sorting algorithms tailored to specific application requirements.

EVAD Development club 2023 and 2024

EVAD extracurricular activity where the institution select the best students to work at a project

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